📄️ Contextual Comments
📄️ CanvasPin
You can use Contextual Comments to embed a customizable commenting experience into your page, enabling people to collaborate. To add the component to a canvas element on your page, you’ll need the CanvasPin adapter.
📄️ HTMLPin
You can use Contextual Comments to embed a customizable commenting experience into your page, enabling people to collaborate. To add the component to an HTML page, you’ll need the HTMLPin adapter.
📄️ AutodeskPin
Utilize Contextual Comments to integrate a personalized commenting feature into your Autodesk model. This enables participants to add comments to specific locations within the Autodesk model, viewable by everyone in the room.
📄️ MatterportPin
Utilize Contextual Comments to integrate a personalized commenting feature into your Matterport 3D model. This enables participants to add comments to specific locations within the Matterport model, viewable by everyone in the room.
📄️ ThreeJSPin
Utilize Contextual Comments to integrate a personalized commenting feature into your ThreeJS model. This enables participants to add comments to specific points within the model, which can be viewable by everyone.