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Get topics from a transcript

This endpoint enables you to use AI queries to return meeting summaries, providing valuable insights from your meetings.

Stay tuned for future updates as we expand to offer more features, including topics, action items, sentiments, and more.

Before we start

To utilize this endpoint, you should have a meetingId that corresponds to the meeting you intend to reference.

Additionally, it's crucial to activate transcription during the meeting. This can be achieved by either clicking the toolbar at the bottom of the interface or by invoking the toggleTranscript() method on the Video Conference.

How to use

You can use the following cURL to obtain a response on the endpoint:

curl --location --request POST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${YOUR TOKEN}" \
--header "passphrase: ${YOUR PASSPHRASE}" \
--data-raw ' {
"meetingId": "<MEETING_ID>",
"subject": "summary"
} '

HTTP Request



When using this endpoint, you need to provide the Authorization Bearer token and the passphrase. The following headers are required:

AuthorizationRequired. You must utilize the authentication token.
apikeyRequired. The passphrase of your organization that allows the decryption of the transcript content, which you can obtain by using the security keys endpoint.

Request Body

When sending a request, include the following fields in JSON format:

meetingIdstringRequired. This field should contain the unique identification of the meeting during which transcription should be activated.
subjectTranscriptSubjectsRequired. Use this field to specify the specific content or context you want the AI to work on within the meeting transcription.


"meetingId": "<METTING_ID>",
"subject": "summary"

Response Body

Successful request

Status code 200 will indicate that the request was successful. The response will be in JSON format and include the following fields:

contentstringThe response content for the AI Transcript request.


"content": "Every Sunday morning, Mona and her husband Jack go to their favorite restaurant for breakfast. They always go at the same time and sit at the same table. They usually order the same dishes, but one Sunday Jack surprises Mona by asking for a fried egg instead of his usual scrambled eggs. The waiter is confused, but Jack insists on having a fried egg. Since then, Jack always asks for fried eggs for breakfast."

Invalid Request

When the API encounters an invalid request, it will provide a response with the following information:

statusCodenumberThe HTTP Status Code.
errorstringThe HTTP Status name provides information on the error type.
messagestringAn explanation of the error and actionable steps to resolve it.


"statusCode": 403,
"error": "Forbidden",
"message": "Please type on your subject:summary",

Types Definition


This type defines the available options for specifying the desired content within the meeting transcription.

Type: enum

  • summary: Request the API to generate a summary for the meeting.