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Get recordings with transcription

This endpoint enables you to get a list of the recordings in which the transcription is already available.

To make a transcription available, you must generate it using the post transcript endpoint and it may take up to 20 minutes to be available.

To get the transcript of a specific recording you'll need to use the get transcript endpoint.

Before we start

Transcripts must be generated upon request. If you have already generated a transcript, you can use the recordingId to get the transcript.

You are only able to get the transcript of a recording of a meeting. To record a meeting, you must enable the recording feature during the meeting. It can be achieved by either clicking the toolbar button 'Record' at the interface or by invoking the toogleRecording() method on the Video Conference.

How to use

You can use the following cURL to obtain a response on the endpoint:

curl --location --request GET{recordingId} \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${YOUR TOKEN}" \
--header "apiKey: ${YOUR PASSPHRASE}"

HTTP Request

recordingIdThis field contains the unique identification of the recording, which can be found with the GET Recordings endpoint.


When using this endpoint, you need to provide the Authorization Bearer token and the passphrase. The following headers are required:

AuthorizationRequired. You must utilize the authentication token.


Status code 200 will indicate that the request was successful. The response will be a list of the recordings in which the transcription is already available. To get the transcript of a specific recording you'll need to use the get transcript endpoint. It will be in JSON format and include the following fields:

recordingIdstringThis field contains the unique identification of the recording.
minutesnumberThis field contains the duration of the spoken content in minutes.
meetingIdstringThis field contains the unique identification of the meeting.
roomIdstringThis field contains the unique identification of the room.
createdAtstringThis field contains the date and time when the spoken content started.


"recordingId": "1b666d44-a4f5-4794-b0b5-ba61f038137e",
"minutes": 15,
"meetingId": "2a6c3f34-5296-4ab8-8dc4-891bfc460184",
"roomId": "your-room-id",
"createdAt": "2024-06-14T14:48:10.043Z"
"recordingId": "d602393b-51ec-48e3-a250-635a6cd95da4",
"minutes": 12,
"meetingId": "a6c2ed3e-6555-43f6-9bb5-af485a0697fc",
"roomId": "your-room-id",
"createdAt": "2024-06-13T14:45:6.054Z"