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Get participants on a channel

This endpoint enables you to get a list of all participants that are currently connected to a specific channel in a room.

How to use

You can use the following cURL to obtain a response from this endpoint:

curl --request GET \
--url{room}/{channel} \
--header 'apiKey: {{apiKey}}'

HTTP Request

GET /realtime/participants/{room}/{channel}

In the request, you will need to send in the path following field:

roomRequired. The ID of the room.
channelRequired. The name of the channel.


When using this endpoint, you need to provide the API Key. The following headers are required:

apikeyRequired. You must utilize the SuperViz Token that can be found on the developer page. By utilizing this key, we will define whether to get data from the developer or the production environment.


Status code 200 will indicate that the request was successful. The response will be a list in a JSON format, and include the following fields:

participantsarrayThe list of currently connected participants. This value can be nullable, meaning that the event wasn't dispatched by a participant.
participants[].idstringThe ID of the participant.
participants[].namestringThe name of the participant.
participants[].connectionIdstringThe current connection ID of the participant. This value can be nullable, meaning that the event wasn't dispatched by a participant.
participants[].timestampnumberThe timestamp when the participant connected to the room.
participants[].roomIdstringThe ID of the room the participant is connected to.


"id": "b38ygi",
"connectionId": "<CONNECTION_ID>",
"timestamp": 1716815551683,
"roomId": "random",