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The Who-is-On-line component allows you to see participants who connected to a room.


To add the Who-is-Online component to your application, follow the steps below:


Before we start

Before utilizing the Who-is-Online component, it is essential to initialize a room with a defined name and ID for the participant and the group. You need to have the room variable to add the component.


Add the Who-is-Online component

To add a Who-is-Online component on your page, you can use the following code:


You can change where the Who-is-Online component is displayed by passing one elementId as attribute or by selecting one of the default positions: top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right.

import { WhoIsOnline } from "@superviz/sdk"

const whoIsOnline = new WhoIsOnline();

Next steps

You are now all set! See what else can you do:

Resources to get you started

We've prepared a few resources to help you get started with the Who-is-Online component and use it alosing with other components to create a collaborative environment.