SuperViz October Update
Welcome to the October 2024 update for our platform!
Welcome to the October 2024 update for our platform!
Welcome to the September 2024 update for our platform! This update brings exciting new features, improvements, and fixes across our entire ecosystem. We're thrilled to share these updates with you, showcasing our commitment to enhancing your experience with SuperViz.
In this update, we improved the limits for the Real-time Data Engine, allowing it to have unlimited connections per room and channel. Also we increased the number of participants with active video tile on the Video SDK, from 16 to 25 participants.
We also improved some of our error mensages, making it easier to understand what went wrong when something fails.
In this update, we improved compatibility with projects being deployed using Vercel.
In this update, we fixed a bug where the room was not being destroyed correctly. This was causing the room to be duplicated when the user reconnected to the room.
In this update we improved how we build our SDK, improving compatibility with older versions of Next.js.
We are excited to announce the release of SuperViz v6.4.0. This update introduces new capabilities to our AI Transcript feature, expanding its capabilities and a much improved AI model, and we're expanding the number of participants that can join our Collaboration Components.
This update introduces the Recording feature for our Video Meeting and continues to improve our Real-Time Data Engine.
In addition to the Recording, we've made changes to video-related nomenclatures, i18n keys, icons, and text, and have also added APIs for recording retrieval.
With our Real-time Data Engine, we have introduced new endpoints to facilitate operations with the channels that we made available in our previous update.
We have released SuperViz SDK v6.2.0. This release includes a couple of new features for our Real-time Data Engine: the ability to create multiple channels and to receive real-time data through a webhook. We also made huge improvements to all Presence components, like Who-is-Online, 3D components, and Mouse Pointers, as well as in our Video Conference.