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Welcome to the SuperViz REST API documentation. This guide will help you understand general concepts, response codes, and authentication strategies for using the SuperViz API effectively.

Base URL

The SuperViz API is built on REST principles. We enforce HTTPS for all requests to ensure data security, integrity, and privacy. The API does not support HTTP.

All requests should be made to the following base URL:


To authenticate your requests, you need to include two pieces of information in the headers:

  1. client_id: Your Client ID
  2. secret: Your Secret Key


curl --request GET \
--url \
--header "client_id: ${YOUR CLIENT_ID}" \
--header "secret: ${YOUR SECRET}"

Obtaining Your API Secret

To utilize the SuperViz API, you'll need to acquire an API Secret. Follow these comprehensive steps to create and retrieve your API credentials:

  1. Access the SuperViz Dashboard by logging in to your account.
  2. In the side menu, locate and click on the "Developer" section.
  3. Within the Developer section, find and select the "Keys" subsection.
  4. Scroll down to the "API Secret" area at the bottom of the page.
  5. Click on the "Create New" button to initiate the process.

A modal window will appear, presenting you with the following configuration options:

  1. KEY NAME:

    • Input a descriptive name for your API key.
    • Choose a name that clearly indicates the key's purpose or associated project.

    • From the dropdown menu, select an appropriate expiration period for your key.
    • Available options range from short-term (1 hour) to long-term (365 days):
      • 1 hour
      • 8 hours
      • 24 hours
      • 7 days
      • 30 days
      • 90 days
      • 365 days
    • Consider your security requirements and intended usage when selecting the expiration period.
  3. After configuring the above options, click the "Create" button to generate your API credentials.

Upon successful creation, you'll be provided with two crucial pieces of information:

  • Client ID: Your unique identifier for API requests.
  • Secret Key: Your authentication token for API access.

Critical Security Note:

  • Immediately save both the Client ID and Secret Key in a secure location.
  • The Secret Key is displayed only once for security purposes.
  • Both the Client ID and Secret Key are required for authenticating your requests to the SuperViz API.

Best Practices for API Credential Management:

  1. Store your credentials in a secure password manager or encrypted storage.
  2. Never share your API credentials publicly or with unauthorized individuals.
  3. Avoid committing API credentials to version control systems or including them in public code repositories.
  4. Implement a secure method for injecting credentials into your application, such as environment variables.
  5. Regularly rotate your API credentials, especially for production environments.

With your newly acquired API Secret, you're now equipped to make authenticated requests to the SuperViz API.

Response Codes

SuperViz uses standard HTTP codes to indicate the success or failure of your requests:

200Successful request.
400Bad request. Check that the parameters were correct.
401Unauthorized. The API credentials are missing or invalid.
404Not found. The requested resource doesn't exist.
5xxServer error. Indicates an issue with SuperViz servers.