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Version: Version 2.0

Key Concepts



The dashboard is your central hub for monitoring the usage of all SuperViz products, managing your subscription and billing, and accessing your Developer Tokens. Each account provides both a Development and Production environment by default.

Please note that an upgrade from the free account is necessary to utilize the Production environment.

Developer Token

To use the SuperViz SDK, you'll need a Developer Token. This token is required to link SDK requests to your account, and you can retrieve both development and production tokens from the dashboard's keys page.


The Room component is the core element enabling video conference within your application. By integrating a room, you create a virtual space where users, or "participants," can join a video conference room. The component also serves as the main element if you want to integrate components from SuperViz Collaboration.


Participants are individual users within a room, defined during the room initialization process.


Groups allow you to organize participants into specific categories when setting up the room, which is especially useful for segmenting users from different companies or teams.


Avatars represent participants within a room. In typical scenarios, they appear as profile images when used with components from SuperViz Collaboration.

In 3D spaces (e.g., Matterport, Autodesk viewer or ThreeJs), avatars can take the form of 3D digital representations.

Presence controls

When using the Video Huddle component, you can configure presence controls. Presence controls are features that allow participants to control the presence of other participants in the room. These features are important if you are building collaborative applications such as collaborative whiteboards, text editors or 3D environments.


The Follow feature allows a participant to become the guide for others.

If used with Mouse Pointers from SuperViz Collaboration, everyone in the room follows the movements of the guided participant's mouse.

In 3D environments (such as Matterport, Autodesk viewer or ThreeJs) from SuperViz Collaboration, this feature allows users to follow a participant’s movements within the 3D space.

Gather all

This feature lets a participant bring all participants to their current position.

If used with Mouse Pointers from SuperViz Collaboration, all participants are instantly relocated to the host’s mouse position.

In used in 3D environments (such as Matterport, Autodesk viewer or ThreeJs) from SuperViz Collaboration, all users are transported to the host’s position in the virtual environment.


The *Go-To feature provides a quick way for participants to navigate to another user's location.

When enabled, one participant can teleport to the mouse position of another user if using Mouse Pointers.

In 3D spaces, this feature brings one participant to another's position, making it easy to collaborate on specific areas within a virtual environment.