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Version: Version 2.0

Get thread

This endpoint enables you to find an annotation by its ID.

How to use

You can use the following cURL to obtain a response from this endpoint:

curl --location --request GET{id} \
--header "client_id: ${YOUR CLIENT_ID}" \
--header "secret: ${YOUR SECRET}"

In the request, you will need to send in the path following field:

idRequired. The ID of the annotation.


When using this endpoint, you need to provide the Client ID and Secret Key. The following headers are required:

client_idRequired. You need to use the Client ID to authenticate in this repository. You can retrieve your Client ID under the Dashboard > Developer > Keys.
secretRequired. You need to use the Secret Key to authenticate in this repository. You can create a new API Secret under our Dashboard > Developer > Keys.


Status code 200 will indicate a successful result in getting the annotation. The response will be in JSON format and include the following fields:

uuidstringThe unique identifier of the annotation.
userIdstringThe ID of the user who created the annotation.
positionstringThe position of the annotation on the screen.
createdAtstringThe date and time when the annotation was created.
resolvedbooleanIndicates whether the annotation has been resolved.
commentsarrayAn array of comments associated with this annotation.

Each comment in the comments array contains the following fields:

uuidstringThe unique identifier of the comment.
threadIdstringThe ID of the thread this comment belongs to.
participantIdstringThe ID of the participant who made the comment.
textstringThe content of the comment.
createdAtstringThe date and time when the comment was created.
mentionsarrayAn array of user mentions in the comment.
participantobjectInformation about the participant who made the comment.

The participant object contains:

namestringThe name of the participant.
createdAtstringThe date and time when the participant was created.
avatarstringThe URL of the participant's avatar image.
emailstringThe email address of the participant.

The mentions array contains:

participantIdstringThe ID of the participant who was mentioned.
namestringThe name of the participant who was mentioned.

Example Response:

"uuid": "5ad641d5-c5bf-4003-9169-566f889ed102",
"participantId": "8972652",
"position": "{ x: 100, y: 100, type: \"text\" }",
"resolved": false,
"comments": [
"uuid": "8b2eee64-99ca-499e-b736-de9c1782224b",
"participantId": "8972652",
"threadId": "5ad641d5-c5bf-4003-9169-566f889ed102",
"text": "Hi, nice to meet you @robson!",
"participant": {
"name": "steve",
"email": "",
"avatar": null,
"createdAt": "2024-09-12T23:06:30.299Z"
"mentions": [
"participantId": "9962632",
"name": "robson"
"createdAt": "2024-09-12T23:07:10.817Z"
"createdAt": "2024-09-12T23:06:46.654Z"