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SuperViz v6.4.0

· 4 min read

We are excited to announce the release of SuperViz v6.4.0. This update introduces new capabilities to our AI Transcript feature, expanding its capabilities and a much improved AI model, and we're expanding the number of participants that can join our Collaboration Components.

What's New

Transcript API

We are taking our AI Transcript feature to the next level by introducing new endpoints that allow you to interact with the AI Transcript data. We have made a massive improvement to our AI model that recognizes better not only the spoken content but the sentiment and the context of the conversation. Here are the new capabilities that you can now access through the API:

Get topics

The get topics endpoint identifies the most important keywords or phrases in a conversation, providing an understanding of the main themes discussed. This endpoint is useful for understanding the context and structure of a conversation.

For example, in a conversation about a new marketing campaign, the topics could be "social media strategy", "budget allocation", "target audience", and "campaign launch date".

Get summary

The get summary endpoint provides a concise summary of a conversation by analyzing the contents of a conversation that might have several pages of transcripts. This endpoint is particularly useful in situations where a quick overview of a long conversation is needed.

A summary is a condensed version of the main points from a conversation or document. For instance, a meeting summary could be: "The team discussed a new project, assigned the lead role to Jane, and set a completion date for end of Q3."

Get questions

The get questions endpoint identifies specific tasks resulting from the conversation that require action. Usually, these action items require one or more people to do something, such as schedule a meeting or complete a task. This endpoint is useful for task tracking and ensuring follow-through on commitments made during a conversation.

Our AI model:

  • Identifies directed questions, e.g., "Does John have access to this repository?"
  • Detects implicit and actionable questions, e.g., "do you think" or "Should Ana make this call?"
  • Excludes casual small talk and irrelevant questions.

An example could be, "When is the project deadline?" or "Who is responsible for the marketing campaign?".

Get follow-ups

The get follow-ups endpoint identifies action items that require a follow-up task, either in general or by someone in the conversation. This endpoint is useful for tracking commitments and obligations from a conversation.

A follow-up could be, "I will check with the team and update you on the progress of the project by next Wednesday."

Get action items

The get action items endpoint identifies tasks from the conversation that require action, generally involving one or more individuals. These tasks could include scheduling a meeting, sharing a document, or completing a specific task. This endpoint is beneficial for tracking tasks and ensuring follow-through on commitments made during a conversation.

For example, an action item could be "John will send the monthly sales report by next Monday" or "The team needs to finalize the design before the client meeting on Friday."

Consulting a full transcription

When you need to consult the full transcription of a meeting, you can use the get transcript endpoint. This endpoint provides the full transcription of a meeting.

Collaborate with even more people

We are excited to announce that we have expanded the number of participants that can join our Collaboration Components to dobule the previous limit. Now, up to 50 participants can join be simuntaneously in a room, and use the advantages of the Who-is-Online, Mouse Pointers and much more. We also have updated the rate limit for the Real-time Data Engine.

For more information about the pricing and the new limits, please refer to our, also updated, pricing page.

More improvements & fixes

  • We've made improvements to the Video Conference componente to make it more stable and reliable.
  • We have updated our build to separate ESM and CommonJS, providing even more compatibility with JavaScript projects

Version numbers

The changes mentioned above are available in the following versions:


Important: Due to recent changes to the three.js library, the minimum required version for the Three.js plugin is now 0.164.0, make sure to update it in your project.