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7 posts tagged with "@superviz/react-sdk"

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SuperViz v6.5.0

· One min read

In this update, we improved the limits for the Real-time Data Engine, allowing it to have unlimited connections per room and channel. Also we increased the number of participants with active video tile on the Video SDK, from 16 to 25 participants.

We also improved some of our error mensages, making it easier to understand what went wrong when something fails.

SuperViz v6.3.0

· 4 min read

This update introduces the Recording feature for our Video Meeting and continues to improve our Real-Time Data Engine.

In addition to the Recording, we've made changes to video-related nomenclatures, i18n keys, icons, and text, and have also added APIs for recording retrieval.

With our Real-time Data Engine, we have introduced new endpoints to facilitate operations with the channels that we made available in our previous update.

SuperViz v6.2.0

· 2 min read

We have released SuperViz SDK v6.2.0. This release includes a couple of new features for our Real-time Data Engine: the ability to create multiple channels and to receive real-time data through a webhook. We also made huge improvements to all Presence components, like Who-is-Online, 3D components, and Mouse Pointers, as well as in our Video Conference.