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The Who-is-On-line component allows you to see participants who connected to a room.

How to use

To initialize the Who-is-Online component, you can follow our quickstart guide.


import { WhoIsOnline } from "@superviz/sdk";

const whoIsOnline = new WhoIsOnline();



See below the options object to use when initializing the Who-is-Online:

positionstringSpecifies the location where the component will be displayed. It can be: top-right, top-left, bottom-right, bottom-left, or an ID of an HTML element.
Default value: top-right
stylesstringOptional custom CSS styles to be applied to the component. This allows for customization of the component's appearance.
disablePresenceControlsbooleanIf true it won't open any dropdown menu by interacting with the participant profile image.
Default value: false
disableGoToParticipantbooleanDisables the GoTo option when clicking on another participant's avatar.
Default value: false
disableFollowParticipantbooleanDisables the Follow option when clicking on another participant's avatar.
Default value: false
disablePrivateModebooleanDisables the Private Mode option when clicking on the current participant avatar.
Default value: false
disableGatherAllbooleanDisables the Gather All option.
Default value: false
disableFollowMebooleanDisables the Follow Me option.
Default value: false

GoTo and Follow options

The GoTo and Follow options allow you to navigate to a participant's location or follow their movements. It works automatically in 3D environments, such as the Matterport, ThreeJS, and Autodesk Viewer.

If used with Mouse Pointers, you will need to use a callback function when creating the Mouse Pointer component, like this:

const mousepointers = new MousePointers("#canvasId", {
onGoToPresence: methodCallback,

function methodCallback(coordinates) {
console.log("X position: " + coordinates.x);
console.log("Y position: " + coordinates.y);